Jumat, 15 April 2011

The wall paintings in Cave Tigers Break the Paradigm of the Archaeologist

Palembang - Tiger Cave Painting on the wall, in the Village District Padangbindu Semidangaji, Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatra, to break the paradigm of archaeologists over the years. These findings prove Indonesia's western region is also untouched cave paintings. It is said Chairman of the Center for Research Team Arkenas, Prof Dr Truman Simanjuntak, told reporters in Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), South Sumatra, on Friday (04/15/2011).

According to experts arkelologi this prehistoric wall paintings in Cave Tigers figura and non-figurative form.

"The discovery of cave paintings in this Tigers broke the paradigm of archaeologists over the years," said the expert who did a lot of archaeological research in Europe. "The idea that Sumatra was not familiar with the tradition of painting seems to be revised again," he said.

For information on the distance between Palembang to Baturaja about 300 kilometers. Travel to locations around 6-8 hours.

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