Jumat, 15 April 2011

Healthy tips to stop snoring

When you sleep with your partner, your partner may feel disturbed for your snoring, you may also be embarrassed by your own snoring. intend to stop your snoring? These tips so you do not snore during sleep:
1. Lying on your side
People will tend to snore when sleeping on your back (head facing up), while sleeping on his stomach (head facing down) will make the neck and tortured breathing during sleep.
Try to sleep sideways to stop snoring.

2. Reduce weight
Being overweight, especially in the neck, will put pressure on the respiratory system, causing partial reduction and snoring during sleep.

3. Avoid alcohol and sleeping pills
Alcohol and sleeping pills can suppress the central nervous system and relaxation of muscles of neck and jaw, which makes people more likely to snore.
Both these substances are also known to cause sleep disorder sleep apnea, which is a dangerous condition that is associated with disease

4. Immediately treat allergies
Chronic respiratory allergies may cause snoring by forcing sufferers to breathe through the mouth during sleep.
Taking an antihistamine before bedtime can help.

5. Using a mouth freshener
Physician or dentist may prescribe a mouth freshener Anti-Snoring can cleanse the mouth while keeping the lower jaw muscles become more flexible.

6. Stop smoking
Smoking can harm the respiratory system that can ultimately make people snore.

7. Regular sleep
Getting enough sleep and regular sleep and wake up to stop the habit of snoring.

8. Elevating the head
Sleeping with the head elevated may be releasing some pressure on the respiratory system, making breathing easier. Raise the head of the bed by placing wooden blocks under the bed or prop your upper body with pillows (not just the head, because it can actually inhibit breathing).

9. Konsultasikan kepada dokter bila Anda sedang hamil dan mendengkur
Terkadang, beberapa wanita hamil mendengkur.
Mendengkur dapat terjadi karena berat badan meningkat dan perubahan hormon kehamilan menyebabkan otot-otot rileks.
Apa pun penyebabnya, mendengkur selama kehamilan dapat mengurangi jatah oksigen untuk bayi.
Segera konsultasi ke dokter bila mengalami hal inii.

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