Minggu, 17 April 2011

Can Human Live Without Bacteria?

Data about the trillions of bacteria and skin surround the entire human body sounds very scary. However, micro-biologist Anne Maczulak asserted, humans can not live without bacteria.

Author of 'Allies and Enemies: How the World Depends in Bacteria' This explains, human beings can not live without bacteria. Most of the bacteria in the context of studying human disease.

This makes people tend to think about the danger posed these bacteria. "A challenge to figure out how bacteria help humans because of the tendency which is more than just a complex process that not only once," said Maczulak.

In the land and sea, bacteria are the major players in decomposition of organic materials and recycling cycle of chemical elements like carbon and nitrogen are necessary for human life.

Because plants and animals do not produce nitrogen molecules needed for mankind to live, soil bacteria and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) plays an indispensable role in the absolute change atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium or nitrate.

Both are forms of nitrogen that can be absorbed by plants to produce amino acids and nucleic acids, the building blocks of DNA. Humans eat the plant and reap the benefits.

In addition, bacteria also play a role cycle of other important substances for human life, namely water. The last few years, scientists from Louisiana State University found evidence of bacteria representing many small particles that cause the acceleration of the clouds dropped snow and rain.

Outside and inside the human body, bacteria still offers other benefits. In the digestive system, the bacteria help digest food, such as plant fibers that can not be properly handled human.

"People get more nutrients from food due to bacteria," said Maczulak. According Maczulak, bacteria in the digestive system also provides the necessary human vitamins such as biotin and vitamin K and the main source of other nutrients.

Experiments on rabbits showed that animals raised in a sterile environment without bacteria were severely malnourished and dying young. According Maczulak, outside the body, 'forest bacteria in the skin (according to the New York University, there are 200 species of bacteria separated on normal people) dominate the skin environment and its resources and keep other bacteria can not enter.

Inside or outside the body, the bacteria proved to be an important part of the development of the immune system. According to Gerald Callahan micro biologist at Colorado State University, the bacteria either benign or danger, became prime the immune system in response to pathogenic invaders in the future.

Callahan studies published in the New EnglandJournal of Medicine is also shown, children are protected from bacteria, have a higher chance of developing asthma and allergies. Not that beneficial bacteria can not be dangerous.

Normally, beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria are mutually exclusive, says Maczulak. However, overlapping work, especially in bacteria that inhabit the body. "Staph bacteria become for example, the bacteria are present throughout the skin," he said.

A colony of Staphylococcus aureus that live in the arm might work together, to attack intruders without harming the body, but if your immune system is disturbed, these bacteria can rampage and cause infection.

The number of bacterial cells present in the human body estimated to be 10 times more than the number of human cells. "This makes many scientists describe the human being is more like bacteria than human," said Maczulak. There was a little scary, "however, it helps you visualize how big a role the organism".

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