Minggu, 17 April 2011


10. The Leshy

The Leshy is a forest spirit man Slavic mythology creatures that are believed to protect wild animals and forest.
They usually appear as a tall man, but has the ability to change the size in all shapes, animals or plants. Leshies has a beard made of grass and vines are alive, and often depicted with a tail, nails, and horns. The Leshy have pale white skin and dark green eyes. They are the king of the jungle and have a close bond with gray wolves, bears, and all living creatures.
When leshy IN human form, leshy form an ordinary farmer, Leshy to shrink away or tall grass grows to the size of the tallest tree. It is generally understood that leshies will make the farmers lost, making PEOPLE sick, and even tickled them to death. Leshies also can imitate human speech and often lure wanderers they disappeared into the cave. They are not always evil, but enjoy misleading people and kidnapping a young woman.


Selkies are creatures found in Faroese, Icelandic, Irish, and Scottish mythology. They have the ability to transform themselves from seals into human form. Selkies are able to change shape by shedding their seal skin, a risky business because they have to reapply the SAME skin to return to its original shape.
According to a story about this creature is a creature of romance. They are allowed to make contact with humans only for a short time before they must return to the sea. In most human cases have been aware of falling in love with selkies. Selkies very handsome man in human form, and have power over women.
If a man found and stole the skin of female selkie then he will be under his control and often are forced to become his wife. This creature has been known to lure people into the sea, by creating an illusion and a false sense of reality.


Berserkers are a group of Norwegian soldiers. They are human beings, BUT in their battle easily upset, and could hardly be controlled, and turned into wolves, bears and wild bulls. This allows people to fight MORE effective. their names will cause the English word 'crazy'.
Berserkers said wearing fur bears and wolves when they entered the battle and could make a full transformation as they feel necessary. They are characterized by having red eyes, tremendous strength, and endurance is strong. Scandinavian kings used berserkers as part of their soldiers or hired as a royal bodyguard. Similar behavior described in the Iliad, where warriors are owned by God and given to demonstrate the ability of super strength.


In Japanese folklore Kitsune are intelligent beings and memilliki magical powers. The creature's strength increases with age, wisdom and life experiences. Kitsune is the Japanese fox.
They have the ability to change into human form and a big liar. These creatures have a record to have as many as nine tails. kitsune may take human form when it reaches a certain age, usually 100 years. They prefer to assume the form of beautiful women, young girls, or parents. The creature has the ability to clone an individual appearance.
Kitsune have fear and hatred of dogs. They are willing to manifest itself in people's dreams and create the illusion that is so complicated that they are perceived as reality. kitsune can fly, become invisible, and often cause a fire or lightning. In some areas of the world being able to bend time, space, and makes people angry.


Puca is a legendary creature of Celtic folklore, especially in Ireland, western Scotland, and Wales. Puca is a mythological fairy. These creatures are capable of assuming various forms of scary, including horses, rabbits, goats, goblin, or dog.
No matter what the form taken by Puca, fur that is always dark. They are most often seen as a dark horse with flowing mane and glowing orange eyes. Púcas have the power to use the human voice and although they are known to give good advice, they also love to make people confused and scared.
Púcas more like a puzzle and friendly creatures. They like to hang out and play jokes on people. In many areas of the world Puca is seen as a creature of the mountains and hills. They are very respected and if treated well will help mankind.


Wendigo is a creature that appears in the mythology of the Algonquian. Description of the Wendigo varies among cultures, but they are generally described as a large animal like an alien dog. They are evil creatures and eat human flesh. Wendigos strongly associated with winter, north, and cold. Humans will turn into Wendigos if they do cannibalism. People will be have demon spirit animal, usually in a dream. After the change, individuals will become obsessed with eating human flesh. This monster is the embodiment of greed, greed, and excess.
They are never satisfied with the killing and eating one person. Wendigos constantly looking for new victims. They have been classified as a giant and the transformation of humans will grow bigger in size. They fill very rural and forest, mountain areas. Recently the Wendigo has become an entity of horror, like vampires, werewolf, or zombie.


encantado is a legendary creature Brazil. They live in the underwater world called Encante. Encantados most often viewed as a type of freshwater dolphin or a sea snake that has the ability to change shape into a human form. They are marked with a superior musical ability, seductiveness,. The transformation into the creature in human form appears to be rare, and usually occurs at night.
While in human form encantado be wearing hats to hide the protruding forehead. That is not lost while changing the shape and often show magical abilities, such as the power to control storms and haunted man.
They use various mind control techniques and can cause illness, insanity, and even death. Many villagers will not go near the Amazon River at night because of this. Many South Americans believe in a encantado and claims to have seen and interacted with this species.


aswang is a mythical creature in Philippine folklore. Legend aswang already known throughout the Philippines, except in areas IIocos. The creature was described as a combination of vampires and witches and almost always women.
Aswang is the eater of the dead and a cannibal. They were able to turn into either a large black dog or a black boar. Stalks and eating human beings at night. garlic bulbs, holy water, and other objects that are believed to repel aswang.
Many stories about the creatures eat the children and the unborn fetus. In human form, they appear normal, and the quiet, shy, and elusive. At night, they turn into deadly animal. One of the main features of the aswang is the red-eye. In the Middle Ages, aswang it is the most feared among the mythical creature in the Philippines.


Vampires is a legendary creature said to feed on human and animal blood. It's hard to make a description, a single definitive of the folkloric vampire, though they are usually reported as beings who look, red, purple, or dark color. They can change shape and can take many forms, particularly bats or humans. Vampires are usually portrayed as the living dead, although some cultures believe that they can live. Beginning in the 19th century, modern fiction began to depict the vampire as thin and pale.
In superstition, vampires in Europe's past led to mass hysteria, which resulted in the bodies who risked and people accused of vampires. They are known for terrorizing their neighborhood before and will seduce their victims, waiting for the right to attack the neck.
The creature will often visit their relatives, especially their partner. Vampires are the experts disguise and camouflage. The last case recorded of vampirism is that of Mercy Brown nineteen years, who died in Exeter, Rhode Island in 1892.


Lycanthropes or werewolves human mythology who have the ability to change shape into a wolf or wolf-like anthropomorphic creatures. They can infect human populations with the bite and the transformation of the creature often associated with the full moon.
mythology of Lycanthropes originated in Europe, but many found throughout the ancient world. Features werewolf including meeting the eyebrows on the bridge of the nose, curved fingernails, low set ears, and swing easy.
They have super-human strength and flavor, far beyond those either wolves or men. Lycantrope known people like to eat the homeless and easy.
A person can be identified as a werewolf by cutting their flesh to reveal the hair or to express a special feather under their tongue. In a return to form human beings became weak. Until the 20th century wolf attacks on humans are widely reported cause mass death in Europe.

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