Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Beginilah Jadinya Jika $1 = Rp.1

Jika nilai US$ 1 = Rp 1,-…kira-kira apa aja yang terjadi di Indonesia? *dengan asumsi kurs negara tetangga lainnya tetap*

1. Masyarakat bisa gonta ganti mobil semaunya..Beli Honda city dengan Rp.30.000,- dan Toyota Landcruiser Rp 70.000,-, BMW/Mercedes Benz gak nyampe Rp 1 juta, de el el..

2. Bakal ada transfer pemain sepak bola besar-besaran di Indonesia. Bukan tidak mungkin Persija Jakarta akan membeli David Beckham dan Ronaldinho. Sementara PSBL Bandar Lampung akan mengontrak Zenedine Zidane dan Ronaldo, Nah lho…Alexandro Delpiero dan Paolo Maldini *pemain kesayangan gw* juga bisa di kontrak buat main di Indonesia, Kebayang gak sih..Pemain-pemain lokal akan bertanding dengan pemain-pemain kelas dunia?

3. Pemerintah gak perlu lagi ngutang ke IMF, justru malah Indonesia bantu-bantu negara miskin lainnya..Indonesia memang Hwebatt….!!

4. Pengamen, Pengemis, dan tukang parkir bisa langsung meluncur ke luar negri sehabis kerja seharian. Bahkan mereka bisa check-in di hotel-hotel mewah dengan fasilitas kamar presidental room yang harga semalamnya diatas Rp 1,5 juta..

5. Kriminalitas menjadi lebih elit, gak bakal ada lagi copet dengan dua jari, apalagi kapak merah…Gengsi dunks!! Lihat aja di Amrik sono, gak ada penjahat bawa kapak kan?

6. Gak ada lagi pasar loak. Masyarakat jadi malu beli barang-brang bekas…

7. Kebijakan pengadaan rumah sangat3x Sederhana diganti menjadi Real Estate Sangat3x Sederhana..

8. Fasilitas sehari-hari menggunakan jasa komputer+smart card, jadi gak perlu lagi antri tiket di loket stasiun, pekerja-pekerja kantoran yang biasanya kerja sambil ngobrol. dan gak memberi kepuasan pada customers…jadi lebih punya banyak waktu untuk ngobrol panjang lebar dengan temen-temen…, de-el-el

9. Masyarakat kita gak perlu lagi pusing masalah issue formalin, daripada ketakutan beli mie ayam, tahu, dan ikan asin…mendingan mampir aja ke restoran dan pesen pizza, burger, dan makanan lainnya sepuasnya..

Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Inilah Alasan mengapa Amerika Takut Berperang Dengan Indonesia

Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara terkaya di dunia. Dilihat dari sumber daya alam yang melimpah, mulai dari tambang emas, batu bara, nikel, minyak dan gas dan masih banyak lagi. Hasil hutan dan laut yang melimpah, bahkan bisa melebihi kekayaan negara-negara timur tengah. Semua hal ini bisa saja menjadi pertimbangan bagi negara adidaya untuk mengusainya. Namun ternyata hal tersebut tidak menjadikan daya tarik disebabkan beberapa hal. Walaupun sebenarnya setelah invasi Amerika ke Irak, Indonesia bisa saja menjadi sasaran berikutnya. Tapi Pentagon membayangkan jika AS terpaksa harus menyerang Indonesia, berapa kerugian yang harus di pikul pihak AS dan berapa keuntungan pihak Indonesia dari kehadiran tentara AS di sana.

Begitu memasuki perairan daratan Indonesia, mereka akan di hadang pihak bea cukai karena membawa masuk senjata api dan senjata tajam serta peralatan perang tanpa surat izin dari pemerintah RI. Ini berarti mereka harus menyediakan “Uang Damai”, coba hitung berapa besarnya jika bawaanya sedemikian banyak.
Kemudian mereka mendirikan Base camp militer , bisa di tebak di sekitar base camp pasti akan di kelilingi tukang Bakso, Tukang Es kelapa, lapak VCD bajakan, sampai obral Cel-Dam Rp.10000 3 Pcs. Belum lagi para pengusaha komedi puter bakal ikut mangkal di sekitar base camp juga.

Kemudian kendaraan-kendaraan tempur serta tank -tank lapis baja yang di parkir dekat base camp akan di kenakan retribusi parkir oleh petugas dari dinas perpakiran daerah. Jika dua jam pertama perkendaraan dikenakan Rp. 10.000,- (maklum tarif orang bule),berapa yang harus di bayar AS kalau kendaraan & tank harus parkir selama sebulan.

Sepanjang jalan ke lokasi base camp pasukan AS harus menghadapi para Pak Ogah yang berlagak memperbaiki jalan sambil memungut biaya bagi kendaraan yang melewati jalan tersebut. Dan jika kendaraan tempur dan tank harus membelok atau melewati pertigaan mereka harus menyiapkan recehan untuk para Pak Ogah. Belum kalo rantai roda tanknya rusak gara2 jalan berlobang.

Suatu kerepotan besar bagi rombongan pasukan jika harus berkonvoi, karena konvoi yang berjalan lambat pasti akan di hampiri para pengamen, pengemis dan anak-anak jalanan, ini berarti harus mengeluarkan recehan lagi. Belum lagi jika di jalan bertemu polisi yang sedang bokek, udah pasti kena semprit kerena konvoi tanpa izin. Bayangkan berapa uang damai yang harus di keluarkan.

Di base camp militer, tentara AS sudah pasti nggak bisa tidur, karena nyamuknya busettt, gede-gede kayak vampire. Malam hari di hutan yang sepi mereka akan di kunjungi para wanita yang tertawa dan menangis. Harusnya mereka senang karena bisa berkencan dengan wanita ini tapi kesenangan tersebut akan sirna begitu melihat para wanita ini punya bolong besar di punggungnya. Pas lagi enak2 tidur, para tentara selalu terbangun saat mendengar deru suara pesawat lewat, bukan takut ditembak tapi takut kejatuhan pesawat.

Pagi harinya mereka tidak bisa mandi karena di sungai banyak di lalui “Rudal Kuning” yang di tembakkan penduduk setempat dari “Flying helicopter” alias wc terapung di atas sungai.

Pasukan AS juga tidak bisa jauh-jauh dari pelaratan perangnya, karena di sekitar base camp sudah mengintai pedagang besi loakan yang siap mempereteli peralatan perang canggih yang mereka bawa. Meleng sedikit saja tank canggih mereka bakal siap dikiloin. Belum lagi para curanmor yang siap beraksi dengan kunci T-nya siap merebut jip-jip perang mereka yang kalau di dempul dan cat ulang bisa di jual mahal ke anak-anak orang kaya yang pengen gaya-gayaan.

Dan yang lebih menyedihkan lagi badan pasukan AS akan jamuran karena tidak bisa berganti pakaian. Kalau berani nekat menjemur pakaiannya dan meleng sedikit saja, besok pakaian mereka sudah mejeng di pasar Jatinegara di lapak-lapak pakaian bekas.

Peralatan telekomunikasi mereka juga harus di jaga ketat, karena para bandit kapak merah sudah mengincar peralatan canggih itu. Dan mereka juga harus membayar sewa tanah yang di gunakan untuk base camp kepada para pemilik tanah. Di samping itu mereka juga harus minta izin kepada RT/ RW dan kelurahan setempat, berapa meja yang harus di lalui dan berapa banyak dana yang harus di siapkan untuk meng-Amplopi pejabat-pejabat ini.

Para komandan pasukan AS ini juga akan kena tugas tambahan mengawasi para prajuritnya yang banyak menyelinap keluar base camp buat nonton dangdut di RW 06, katanya ada Inul di sana.

Dukun-dukun yang tersebar luas, tinggal sms reg DUKUN ke 00 omong kosong, kena santet deh smua pasukan mereka..di negara mereka mana ada dukun instan?? Rudal2 juga tinggal disemprot pake air bunga, balik deh ke si pengirim rudal.
Palagi Kalau ketemu pasukan OPM atau GAM bakal tambah kacau deh kondisi, perang ma siapa udah ga jelas.

Di saat kekurangan staf, kalo pakai pegawai orang indonesia di basecamp mereka, bisa2 habis anggaran kena korup smua…belum lagi kalau pegawainya kerjasama ma pedagang makanan kaki lima sekitar, uang habis, tentara keracunan smua

Maraknya kasus hipnotis dan penipuan yang dilakukan oknum2 tidak bertanggung jawab akan menyebabkan kehilangan onderdil perang pasukan mereka, contohnya kehilangan celana dalam, kaos2 putih, celana panjang, blum lagi sepatu2..

Pasukan Agen Rahasia khusus Indonesia yang sangat menakutkan: agen Ryan, agen Sumanto dan kawan2nya..mereka specialis dalam hal makan-memakan dan kubur-mengubur.

Belum lagi Banyaknya kasus mutilasi di indonesia membuat pasukan mereka jiper duluan, malem2 tiba2 ilang, pagi2 balik tinggal kaki kiri doang yang ada.

Yang Gawat lagi kalo petugas jaga pos merem dikit, bisa2 satu peleton jadi korban trafficking, stok logistik amblas, kemasukan orgil, pemulung, dijarah massa peralatan tempur mereka. Belum lagi kalo kena banjir, tanah longsor. Hal ini mengharuskan Amrik mengeluarkan dana lebih untuk membeli candid kamera ribuan, anjing penjaga [kalo tentaranya kena gigit, tambah lagi budgetnya buat biaya medis]. Belum lagi kalo ada tetangga yg nyerobot batas patok tanah, bakal sibuk mereka ngurus sengketa dan serangan pun ditunda.
Banyaknya mal praktek di Indonesia, membuat Amrik harus merogoh kocek lagi buat bangun RS dan menggaji dokter mereka.

Anak muda Indonesia yang kebanyakan cuek dengan kondisi bangsanya, membuat Amrik takut kalo dikacangin dan tidak diladenin oleh pemuda Indonesia.

Banyaknya kasus bom bunuh diri, membuat tentara Amrik keder, kalo 200juta org bawa bom satu-satu, langsung abiz dah.

Satu lagi niy, serangan mahasiswa2 yg tawuran, demonstrasi dan warga yang tawuran antar wilayah bikin tentara2 AS kejebak d jalan n ikut d timpukin!

Membayangkan ini semua akhirnya Bush dan Rumsfield (Amrik Presidennya masih dia) memutuskan untuk mundur dan balik ke negerinya. Kurang lebih seperti itulah alasan mereka.

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Bahaya bau kaki

Pernah nggak dalam sehari hari tercium oleh Anda bau kaos kaki atau bau sepatu? sungguh memabukan bukan bahkan bisa jadi untuk sepatu atau kaki yang tidak pernah dirawat dan dibersihkan akan membuat Anda muntah karena mual. Apalagi musim hujan begini, dimana kelembaban udara sangat tinggi hingga seringkali membuat kaus kaki dan sepatu kita sangat mudah bau.

Apakah Anda tau seberapa dasyat bau kaos kaki atau sepatu itu berdampak? sungguh luar biasa dampaknya bahkan lebih dasyat dari racun tikus, loh kenapa racun tikus? karena racun tikus dibuat untuk mematikan hewan tikus, he he he lha kalo mau matikan hewan lebih besar dari tikus katakanlah kucing berarti kan butuh racun yang lebih besar dosisnya dari racun tikus, iya nggak?

Tapi Anda lihat gambar gambar yang berurutan di posting ini, bagaimana seekor kucing bisa sekarat karena bau kaki yang masih tersisa di sepatu? berarti bau kaki lebih gawat dari racun tikus bukan? Bagaimana?

Posting diatas jangan dianggap beneran ya..

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Fungsi-Fungsi Icon pada Corel Draw X3

Corel Draw adalah salah satu software paling popular yang digunakan dalam dunia digital. Untuk dapat menguasai coreldraw sebelumnya kita harus mempelajari dasar-dasarnya terlebih dahulu. Kita mulai dari pengenal tools dalam coreldraw. Semua ikon tools dalam biasanya terpampang dalam satu jajaran. Setiap ikon tentunya memiliki fungsi masing-masing.
Setelah kita membuka program coreldraw dan masuk pada halaman kerja, maka disebelah kiri kamu akan melihat jajaran ikon tombol. Jajaran ikon itu disebut ToolBox. Untuk membuat atau mengedit suatu objek maka kita harus menguasai fungsi-fungsi ikon yang ada sehingga mempermudah dan mempercepat pekerjaan kita dalam membuat objek tersebut.

Berikut daftar tools dalam coreldraw :

1.Text Tool
2.Shape Tool
3.Crop Tool
4.Zoom Tool
5.Freehand Tool
6.Smart Fill Tool
7.Rectangel Tool
8.Elipse Tool
9.Polygon Tool
10.Basic Shapes Tool
11.Text Tool
12.Table Tool
13.Paralel Dimension Tool
14.Straight Line Connector Tool
15.Blend Tool
16.Color Eyedropper Tool
17.Outline Pen
18.Fill Tool
19.Interactive Fill Tool

penjelasannya dibawah ini :

Pick Tool
Pick tool
tool ini memiliki ikon seperti cursor mouse pada setting defaultnya. Berfungsi untuk menyeleksi atau memilih objek.

Shape Tool
Shape tool
berfungsi mengedit garis atau objek dengan manipulasi titik. Memiliki shortcut dalam keyboard F10. Shape tool ini sendiri dibagi menjadi 3 jenis lagi yaitu :
•Smudge Brush : Untuk mengubah objek gambar dengan menarik garis tepi.
•Roughen Brush : Untuk mendistorsi objek gambar dengan menarik garis tepi.
•Free Transform : Untuk mengubah bebas seperti : menggunakan rotasi, mengubah ukuran, memiringkan objek, dll.

Crop Tool
Crop tool
berfungsi untuk menghilangkan bagian yang tidak diinginkan dalam objek. Crop tool juga memiliki 3 jenis lagi :
•Knife : untuk memotong objek menjadi dua bagian terpisah.
•Eraser : untuk menghapus area yang tidak diinginkan dalam objek.
•Virtual Segment Delete : untuk menghapus suatu bagian objek yang berada dalam persinggungan.

Zoom tool
berfungsi untuk mengubah tingkat / level pembesaran jendela dokumen corel yang sedang kita buka. Ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mengedit objek yang terlalu kecil atau objek yang terlalu besar, sehingga tampilan objek sesuai dengan mata kita. Ada satu lagi jenis dari zoom tool ini yaitu Pan Tool.

•Pan tool berfungsi untuk menggeser tampilan area/objek tanpa mengubah tingkat zoom level.

Freehand Tool
Freehand tool
tool corel draw yang berfungsi menggambar kurva (garis lengkung) dan garis lurus dalam segmen. Memiliki tombol shortcut F5 di keyboard anda. Freehand tool ini dibagi dalam 7 jenis lagi yaitu :

•2-point line tool : untuk menggambar garis lurus dari satu titik (titik awal) ke satu titik yang lain (titik akhir).
•Bezier tool : menggambar garis lengkung dalam segment dalam satu waktu.
•Artistic media tool : menambahkan efek brush, spray dan kaligrafi dengan menggunakan kursor pen dengan bebas. Banyak efek-efek yang mungkin anda sukai dalam tool yang satu ini.
•Pen tool : menggambar garis lengkung dalam segmen dan melihat/meninjau masing-masing segmen yang telah kamu buat.
•B-spline tool : menggambar garis lengkung dengan mengkontrol setting titik (point) tanpa merusak segmen.
•Polyline tool : menggambar sambungan garis lurus atau garis lengkung secara continue (terus menerus) dalam satu action.
•3-point curves tool : menggambar garis lengkung dengan cara mendrag dari titik awal , titik akhir dan memposisikan pada titik tengah.

Smart fill tool
berfungsi untuk membuat objek dari tumpang tindih area lali mengisikannya dengan warna atau tekstur. Tool ini memiliki satu jenis lagi yaitu smart drawing tool.

•Smart Drawing tool : untuk mengubah / mengkonversi coretan pointer yang kamu gambar menjadi bentuk wujud objek (basic shapes) atau garis kurva yang halus.

rectangle tool
Rectangle tool
untuk menggambar bentuk persegi empat atau kotak hanya dengan drag dan klik mouse kamu. Memiliki satu jenis lagi yaitu 3-point rectangle tool.

•3-Point Rectangle tool : berfungsi untuk membentuk persegi empat dan kotak dengan menyusun nya per titik.

ellipse tool
Ellipse tool
berfungsi untuk menggambar elips dan lingkaran hanya dengan drag dan klik mouse kamu. Juga memiliki satu jenis lagi yaitu 3-point ellipse tool.

•3-Point Ellipse tool : untuk menggambar elips dan lingkaran dengan menyusun nya per titik.

Polygon tool

berfungsi untuk menggambar bentuk persegi banyak, hanya dengan drag dan klik mouse. Memiliki turunan 4 macam tools, yaitu :

•Star tool : untuk menggambar berbagai macam bentuk bintang.
•Complex Star tool : untuk menggambar bentuk bintang yang memiliki banyak potongan sisi.
•Graph Paper tool : untuk menggambar bentuk kisi-kisi / susunan kotak-kotak seperti jala-jala.
•Spiral tool : untuk menggambar lingkaran spiral secara simetris atau logaritmis

Basic Shapes tool
berfungsi untuk mempermudah/mempercepat proses menggambar bentuk segitiga, lingkaran, silinder, love/hati, dan masih banyak lagi bentuk-bentuk lainnya. Memiliki turunan 4 macam tools, yaitu :

•Arrow shapes tool : untuk menggambar bentuk tanda panah dalam berbagai variasi
•Flowchart shapes tool : untuk memudahkan menggambar suatu bagan (chart)
•Banner shapes tool : untuk menggambar bentuk pita atau bentuk ledakan
•Callout shapes tool : untuk menggambar bentuk balon bicara (ilustrasi bicara) dan label.

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Fokuslah Bila Anda Ingin Hebat..!

Saya ingin share tentang motivasi hidup, Silahkan disimak.
Jika Anda ingin menjadi master di bidang tertentu ingatlah kata-kata ini:
Berfokuslah pada satu hal atau keterampilan dengan kesetiaan tanpa henti untuk terus melakukan perbaikan, dan berkeinginan kita menjadi yang terbaik.

Fokus, perbaikan tiada henti dan keinginan kuat menjadi yang terbaik adalah bahan bakar utama untuk menjadi seorang spesialis. Dan sebagian mayoritas orang besar berasal dari seorang spesialis.

Mereka yang fokus

B.J. Habibie adalah seorang spesialis di bidang pesawat terbang. Apakah kesuksesannya murni merupakan karunia alam? Tentu saja jawabannya tidak. Ia mengambil apa yang diberikan alam kepadanya dan menjalankan formula tadi; fokus ditambah perbaikan terus tiada henti dan keinginan kuat untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Lelaki kelahiran Pare-Pare ini tidak ingin menjadi yang terbaik di lima bidang yang berbeda. Misalnya, ia tidak ingin ahli di bidang kereta api atau kendaraan berida empat. Mantan Presiden RI ke tiga ini hanya ingin hebat pada bidang pesawat terbang. Dan ia berhasil.

Michael Jordan fokus pada basket. Cristiano Ronaldo fokus pada sepakbola. Muhamad Yunus fokus pada microfinance. Bill Gates fokus pada software development computer, Dedi Mizwar fokus pada film. Yusuf Mansur fokus pada ilmu sedekah. Hermawan Kertajaya fokus pada dunia marketing. Mereka dan banyak orang lainnya tidak memecah fokus yang ditekuninya. Dan mereka berhasil.

Thomas A Edison mendaftarkan 1.093 paten. Ia juga menemukan bola lampu hingga gramofon. Lelaki yang pernah dicap idiot oleh gurunya ini tidak mencoba untuk menjadi pedagang besar, penyair terkenal, dan musisi ternama. Ia hanya berfokus pada penemuan-penemuannya. Ia juga memperbaikinya setiap hari. Dan selalu terdorong untuk menjadi penemu hebat dan memberi manfaat bagi dunia. Selanjutnya, ia membiarkan waktu yang menciptakan keajaiban. Dan ternyata, keberhasilan mengetuk pintu bagi orang-orang yang memang fokus pada bidangnya. Mereka para spesialis.

Mungkin Anda ingat akan kisah Pablo Picasso. Suatu hari, seorang wanita melihatnya di pasar dan ia mengambil secarik kertas. ”Tuan Picasso, saya adalah penggemar Anda. Maukah Anda menggambar sedikit untuk saya?” Picasso dengan gembira memenuhi permintaan itu dan menggoreskan sebentuk seni di atas kertas yang diberikan. Sambil tersenyum ia mengembalikan kertas itu sambil berkata, ”Nilai kertas ini bisa jutaan dolar lho.” Wanita itu bingung dan berkata, ”Tapi tuan Anda hanya perlu waktu 30 detik untuk menghasilkan mahakarya ini.” Sambil tertawa Picasso menjawab, ”saya membutuhkan waktu 30 tahun agar dapat menghasilkan mahakarya dalam waktu 30 detik.”

Ketahuilah apa kelebihan Anda. Temukan talenta Anda, lalu berusaha keraslah sekuat tenaga untuk memoles talenta Anda. Ketahuilah apa yang menjadi bagian terbaik dalam hidup Anda. Anda sangat ahli dan menyenangi hal itu. Bahkan Anda terkadang gelisah ketika Anda tidak melakukan hal itu. Mungkin Anda seorang komunikator yang jago dalam bergaul. Mungkin Anda ahli dalam hal memperlancar keadaan. Mungkin Anda seorang inovator yang mampu melahirkan sesuatu yang baru. Mungkin Anda orang yang tekun menjalankan bisnis walau hasilnya kecil namun volumenya besar. Atau Anda seorang yang ahli memberikan nilai tambah sehingga Anda mampu menjual produk yang sama namun dengan harga yang jauh lebih tinggi.

Temukan kelebihan Anda, lalu kembangkan. Fokuslah pada kelebihan Anda dan terus menerus diasah, lakukan perbaikan terus menerus, dan berkomitmenlah untuk menjadi yang terbaik di bidang Anda. Saya yakin tak lebih sepuluh tahun dari sekarang Anda akan menjadi orang yang hebat di bidang Anda. Mungkin orang akan membicarakan atau menulis tentang Anda.

Mari bertaruh. Jika Anda sudah menemukan talenta Anda dan mencurahkan waktu setiap hari untuk mengasah talenta itu dan terus menerus memperbaikinya serta berkomitmenlah untuk menjadi yang terbaik di bidang itu, tak lebih dari 10 tahun yang akan datang Anda telah menjadi seorang yang hebat. Ketika itu bawalah hadiah kepada saya, karena saya telah memenangkan pertaruhan ini. Bila Anda gagal, itu karena Anda ingin hebat disemua hal sehingga fokus Anda pecah. Akhirnya Andapun tak mendapatkan semua hal itu.

Kenapa Anda TIdak Bahagia?

Ada beragam cara untuk bisa merasakan kebahagiaan. Anda bisa merasa bahagia ketika keinginan dan cita-cita Anda terpenuhi. Anda bahagia ketika Anda sedang berada dalam kondisi sehat dan tidak diberikan sakit oleh Yang Maha Kuasa. Anda bahagia ketika kebutuhan Anda dan keluarga bisa terpenuhi. Anda bahagia ketika pasangan Anda begitu mencintai dan menyayangi Anda. Dan masih banyak lagi hal yang sejatinya bisa membawa kebahagiaan untuk Anda.

Namun demikian, tak jarang kita temui orang-orang yang dilimpahi sekian banyak alasan untuk bisa bahagia, tetapi nyatanya ia tidak bisa merasakan kebahagiaan. Mengapa demikian?

Ada sebuah kalimat bijak yang patut kita renungkan,
“Bukan bahagia yang membuat Anda bersyukur, melainkan bersyukur yang membuat Anda bahagia.”

Dalam hidup ini, pasti ada yang akan Anda miliki, dan ada pula yang cukup Anda lihat sebagai milik orang lain. Ada yang datang, dan ada pula yang pergi.
Dalam hidup ini, pasti Anda akan berhasil pada satu dan beberapa hal, tapi boleh jadi Anda gagal dalam satu dan beberapa hal.
Dalam hidup ini, Anda akan tertawa dan Anda juga akan menangis. Maka bagaimana Anda memaknai hidup Anda, terkadang itulah yang justru menipu Anda.

Mengapa Anda tak bahagia?

Pertama, Anda membanding-bandingkan hidup Anda dengan orang lain sehingga yang muncul adalah “rumput tetangga terlihat lebih hijau” di mata Anda. Ini menyebabkan Anda tidak henti-hentinya ngiler melihat kehidupan orang lain. Walhasil, Anda pun merasa kehidupan Anda saat ini tidak lagi menyenangkan dan membahagiakan.

Kedua, yang membuat Anda tak bahagia adalah karena Anda sering berandai-andai tentang masa lalu. Misalnya, “Jika saya dulu … [baca: titik-titik-titik]”. Beragam pilihan hidup yang telah Anda ambil Anda sesali, hidup Anda pun lebih sering diisi dengan “nostalgia” masa lalu yang jelas-jelas tak mungkin akan kembali. Anda pun menjadi setengah hati menjalani kehidupan Anda saat ini.

Sejatinya setiap orang diberikan takaran waktu yang sama setiap harinya: 24 jam! Itulah waktu yang saya jalani dan waktu yang sama itu pula yang Anda jalani. Semoga di waktu yang terus berjalan dan tidak akan kembali ini, kita bisa melewatinya dengan sibuk mensyukuri segala hal yang kita alami, serta sibuk memperkaya arti kehadiran diri kita di muka bumi.
Mari kita syukuri apa yang Anda miliki saat ini… Bila tidak, maka bersiaplah untuk menderita…

Berorganisasi, Bikin Cerdas dan Berguna

Saat anak memiliki kegiatan ekstrakulikuler (ekskul) di sekolah, terlibat dalam organisasi siswa atau berkegiatan di luar rumah, ini pertanda positif bagi pengembangan dirinya. Sebagai guru atau orangtua, tugasnya adalah memberikan dukungan. Pakar Pendidikan, Prof Dr Arief Rachman MPd, menyarankan sebaiknya anak mulai dilibatkan dalam kegiatan kolektif sejak usia TK. Anak yang berorganisasi sejak kecil memiliki kepribadian lebih efektif dan efisien. Anak juga akan tumbuh menjadi pribadi cerdas dan berguna, bukan sekadar pintar di sekolah.

"Anak mulai TK perlu terlibat dalam kegiatan bersifat hobi, kegiatan yang sifatnya kolektif. Bisa berupa drama, menari, pentas musik, menggambar, sesuatu yang digemari dan menjadi talentanya. Libatkan anak dalam berbagai festival, bukan kompetisi. Bebaskan mereka menampilkan dirinya dengan pendekatan heterogenitas, bukan homogen. Lalu, berikan apresiasi atas keberagaman ini. Kompetisi cenderung menggunakan pendekatan standar seragam, sementara anak akan lebih berkembang positif jika sejak kecil diajarkan untuk berbaur dalam keberagaman," jelas Arief kepada Kompas.com di Jakarta, pekan lalu.

Aktivitas beragam yang dijalankan anak sejak belia sangat memengaruhi tumbuh kembangnya. Hal itu terutama terhadap pembentukan kepribadian dan jiwa kepemimpinan.

Sebaliknya, kata Arief, membatasi anak berorganisasi atau beraktivitas di luar sekolah hanya akan meciptakan generasi pintar namun tidak berguna.

Manfaat berorganisasi

Arief mengatakan, kegiatan berorganisasi memiliki sejumlah dampak positif bagi diri anak maupun kemampuan sosialnya. Manfaat personal yang didapatkan anak di antaranya adalah memiliki potret diri positif. Artinya, anak memiliki persepsi yang baik atas dirinya, lebih kreatif, lebih berani, serta memiliki kemampuan mencipta.

Potret diri positif dalam diri anak berdampak pada penghargaan atas diri yang lebih tinggi. Dengan berorganisasi, lanjut dia, anak juga belajar mengenai kepemimpinan.

"Generasi global memiliki kepemimpinan dalam dirinya. Kepemimpinan dalam diri anak membantunya mengendalikan diri, memiliki keberanian, dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan orang lain," lanjutnya

Rabu, 20 April 2011

5 jam sehari di depan komputer bikin kamu cepet mati (gunakan fasilitas translate di samping)

According to research, spent more than 5 hours per day in front of a computer can damage the heart and lead to death more quickly. The reason is the position of sitting, especially sitting back, which is a common position when people work with computers, playing games, or watching television. The study was conducted by Emmanuel Stamatakis, researchers from University College London, UK. He conducted a study of more than 4,500 people aged over 35 years and the results published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

These findings add to the evidence continues to accumulate about the dangers of sitting for long. In fact, the current trend is more and more people sitting at the computer while working at the office.

"People who spent more than 4 consecutive hours per day in front of the computer has a 125 percent higher chance of death related to heart disease than those who only spend less than 2 hours in front of the screen," Stamatakis said, as quoted from Examiner, 20 April 2011.

Stamatakis said, from research, they also found that 48 percent of people who spent 4 hours at the computer in a row is also likely to experience more rapid death due to other factors outside the heart.

Furthermore, those who spend more than 5 hours at the computer per day, the risk of death more quickly rose significantly.

Previously, it was estimated that those who spend too much time in front of the computer, or also in front of the television, is a lazy person to exercise and lead to the emergence of disease. However, the data obtained, is not the case.

"People who exercise regularly in their spare time also have the chance to die more quickly," said Stamatakis.

Researchers believe that the cause does is sit too long. The position is known to cause 90 percent decrease in the enzyme lipoprotein lipase and a healthy heart. Swelling and metabolic problems caused by the Inactivity in a long time also be a source of problems.

However, there is a solution for those who are forced to work at a computer all day. "You have to get up every 20 minutes and walk away for a moment," said Stamatakis. "That would reduce these problems and may increase your chances of living longer," he said.

Minggu, 17 April 2011

10 Fakta Unik Tentang Flu

1. Colds takes about 48 hours to infect and make you sick.
If a runny nose, itchy throat, think back 48 hours back. Chances are cold viruses enter your body. Experts say the flu virus takes about two days to implant into the lining cells and produces symptoms. Sometimes difficult to distinguish colds and flu. Ron Eccles, BSc, PhD, DSC, Director of the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University in England, said cold viruses usually do not cause fever in adults. While fever and cough are the main signs of influenza.

2. The best weapon against colds is to sports.
Not the drugs or vitamin supplements, but sports. Appalachian State University researchers have studied how the immune system and viruses are influenced by exercise. Researchers say if you want to really tackle the flu this winter, the best way is 30 minutes walk fast 5 times per week. "Exercise is good light since moving blood throughout the body and also move the white blood cells to look for infection," Dr. Eccles.

3. Lack of sleep one of the causes
How much did you sleep last night? "If less than seven hours, you are three times more likely to colds," said researchers at Carnegie Mellon University. Use of sleep with efficiently. Study participants who spent less than 92 percent of their sleep time at least five times more likely to get colds.

4. Orange juice does not ward off colds
More than 30 studies conducted by researchers at the Australian National University and the University of Helsinki, says that for most people, vitamin C did not prevent or cure the symptoms of flu.

5. Echinacea flowers can help fight cold viruses
Plants with purple flowers can help boost the immune system. So they can fight the flu and cold viruses. Researchers from the University of Connecticut studied more than 1,600 people using this flower. They reported that Echinacea can reduce the chances of developing a cold by 50 percent and reduce the duration of a cold sore about 1.4 days.

6. Cold viruses can make fat
Researchers at Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego found that children have been infected by 36 adenovirus, common cold viruses that cause cold symptoms are sometimes also affected by digestive problems. Their weight 50 pounds heavier than the children who are not infected with this virus. But the virus is not the main cause of weight problems.

7. Hot drinks may help relieve symptoms of cold viruses
According to a study published in the latest issue of the journal Rhinology, researchers in Britain say sipping hot drinks can provide immediate and sustained relief from the worst symptoms of the flu, such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and fatigue.

8. Ingredients in breast milk can cure colds
It turned out that an ingredient in breast milk that could treat a cold. Material that is monolaurin, a derivative of lauric acid. "These fatty acids are found naturally in breast milk," said Tom Bayne, DC, practitioner with ChicagoHealers.com. Monolaurin also known to reduce the symptoms of flu and exhaustion.

9. The average person gets 200 colds in her life.
With an estimated age of 75 years, you may suffer through a cold 200. With average annual attacked twice. While children usually get between four and eight times colds per year.

10. Colds are not contagious
Most people think because the handshake with a sick person would make them got the flu and colds. Recent research by the Common Cold Centre Cardiff University found that when healthy people put in a room with people with flu and colds, the pain is difficult to spread infection from one person to another. In fact, a cold virus must have the ideal conditions to infect the body. "Colds are highly contagious, and colds are most contagious from prolonged and close contacts," says Dr Eccles.

The Successful Archaeologists Discover Dinosaurs "Devil" Triassic Period

New dinosaur named "Evil Spirit Buck-Toothed Reptile" aka bad-toothed reptile spirits or demons in the scientific name Daemonosaurus chauliodus found in New Mexico. The devil is the oldest dinosaur link between dinosaurs and Jurassic species of theropod dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs that lived 205 million years ago was as high as a large dog with an unusual bone. So obviously Hans-Dieter Sues, vertebrate ancient experts at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC. "short snout and large front teeth," he said. He also added, "This type of bone structure is not thought at that time for the predatory dinosaurs."

The oldest known dinosaurs lived 230 million years ago, in the Triassic Period. After that, there is a big gap from fossil findings. Many experts estimate that early dinosaurs became extinct. "After that predators are more complicated to take over then the diversification at the turn of the Triassic to the Jurassic period," said Sues.

Daemonosaurus c is a bridgethat connects two groups of dinosaurs . Of the fossils were found, these dinosaurs had some evolutionary trait that links gap between the early dinosaur into a more modern dinosaurs. Based on the analysis of fossil finds, dinosaurs Triassic is characterized by several features of the Jurassic.

Triassic characteristics it has, for example, a small gap between the nostril and eye socket. Bone associated with air bag systems such as the lungs of birds are also still have primitive traits. Characteristic of more modern dinosaurs possessed Daemonosaurus c exist in the tooth.

"This is proof that dinosaurs had a wider distribution,"explained Sue.

Can Human Live Without Bacteria?

Data about the trillions of bacteria and skin surround the entire human body sounds very scary. However, micro-biologist Anne Maczulak asserted, humans can not live without bacteria.

Author of 'Allies and Enemies: How the World Depends in Bacteria' This explains, human beings can not live without bacteria. Most of the bacteria in the context of studying human disease.


10 Epidemics Caused Terrible Internet

Internet has revolutionized communication, business, trade, politics, entertainment, cultural and many other aspects of our world. But, as new technology always comes with new problems. This is the detailed list of the negative consequences of Internet.Saya have tried to sort them by weight.

Positive Effect of Internet on The Performance Brain!

For people with middle-aged and elderly, the use of the internet help improve brain power, so the researchers suggest. a team from the University of California Los Angeles states that "searching" the web can stimulate the brain centers that control decision making and complex thoughts. The researchers also say, this can even help to "Fight" psikological changes associated with age that causes decreased brain performance. The results of this study are listed in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. As age increases, a number of changes in the brain also occur, including shrinkage and reduction in cell activity that can affect the brain's performance. Opinions that have been commonly known is that some activities can keep the activity / brain works, such as filling a crossword puzzle. Recent studies show that surfing the web is part of these beneficial activities.

Lead researcher Professor Gary Small--says: "The results are encouraging and led to computer technologies that have a psychological impact and potential benefits for middle-aged and elderly people. Searching on the Internet involves a complicated brain activity, which can help exercise and improve brain function. " The latest research was conducted on 24 volunteers aged between 55 and 76. Half of them are Internet users and the rest do not.

Each volunteer was treated brain scans while they perform web searches and book reading tasks. Both types of task produced evidence of significant activity of the brain controlling language, reading, memory and visual abilities. Although, searching the Web to produce significant additional activity in separate parts of the brain that control decision making and complex thought, but this only to people who are users of the web / internet only. The researchers said that compared to regular reading, the Internet asking people to vote on what should be clicked to obtain relevant information. However, they stated that new entrants to the web do not have the strategies needed to successfully perform a search the web / internet successfully.

Professor Smith said: "in simple, everyday task like searching on the Internet can increase the" turnover "of the brain in adults, and shows that our brains are sensitive and can continue to learn as we grow older."

Rebecca Wood, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Research Trust, said: "This interesting study complements the findings of previous studies which suggest that people of middle age and elderly can reduce the risk of stagnation of the brain / mind (dementia) by taking part in routine activities that mentally stimulating. Users of the web / internet is often called "silver surfers", do this well. Frequency of social interaction, exercise regularly and maintain a balanced diet can also reduce the risk of stagnation of the brain / mind (dementia). "

Dr Susanne Sorensen, Head of Research at the Alzheimer's Society, said: "searching into a positive message for people to stay active, but still very little real evidence that keeping the brain with puzzles, games or other activities to develop health cognitive and reduce the risk of dementia ".

9 Ways to Make a Brain Child Genius

Every parent expects their children are always smart, clever and wise than other children. The experts stated, although the wisdom of a child is closely connected with congenital genetic, but a lot of scientific research shows that coaching after birth is also a very important factor that should not be ignored.

Stimulate Growth with Education in Gynecology
The doctors said the baby in the womb three months of age already have a feeling, four months have been able to feel the sound from outside. The sound from the outside it will continue to stimulate the sensory organs of the child in the womb and encourage its growth, has an important role for the growth of intelligence. Basically the cerebral cortex (the brain that is important to remember, observe, realize, think, understand language, etc.) the baby in the womb has been formed at the age of 5-6 months, when music is played during this time or do gentle massage on the abdomen will can increase the growth of intelligence of the child.

Intelligence Development foundation Period Specified in Kids
Since the baby is born, the father-mother already has an important role to teach the basic knowledge to him. If only the mother's father at this stage can guide the child with generous, respectful and loving, then not only to lay the groundwork for the unique personality of the child, even to make the child has the ability to learn and get along a good attitude. Thus, the role of mother's father was not only encouraging, not even a big responsibility as a "private teacher".

The experts stated, "Children aged 4 to 13 years, because not a lot of tasting acid salt of the earth, his heart was still pure, is a period with the strongest memories during his lifetime. If the memories of this golden age to obtain a good education, will greatly benefit the rest of his life.

9 Secrets to Make Children a Smart / Genius
Author rubik special education, Korey Capozza, suggested nine ways to improve and promote the IQ (intelligence quotient) of children.

1. Learning Music

This is a great way to enhance right-brain learning with a relaxed and easy. According to the research the University of Toronto, music lessons can improve the intelligence quotient and school achievement of a child. Even the longer studied, the results became clear.

2. Breastfeeding

Many scientific studies prove that breast milk (breast milk) in addition to providing a wide range of nutrients, may also boost immunity and infant intelligence. A baby who ate milk for nine months significantly more intelligent than a baby who only consume milk for a month.

3. Improve health

The team of researchers from the University of Illinois has proved the relationship between health and learning of children in school. Research from Oppenheimer Funds in fact show that exercise in groups not only increases self-confidence, build a spirit of togetherness, it can even lead nurturing skills. Eighty-one percent of the directress company while still small, they all had joined in an organization's activities.

4. Game

Indeed there are many games that can make players into a brutal, eccentric or lazy thinking. But also there are a number of games that can improve bersosial spirit, creativity and inspiration, and some have to train children to think wisely and to train the ability to make plans. Research at the University of Rochester also found that children who play games more capable of finding a sense of visual clues in learning.

5. Reject junk food

Reduce the high sugared foods, abstain from various foods are high in fat and other junk food. Instead, many are highly nutritious eating healthy foods, this will improve intelligence and motor development of children, especially for infants who are not even two years, this is very important. For example, a child should eat some iron to help the growth of the brain. If less the amount, delivery of nerve impulses is compromised.

6. Foster curiosity

The experts reveal, when parents encourage children to have their own thoughts, actually is was to direct them on the importance of knowledge demands. Put great attention to the interests of children, introduce and teach new skills to them at every opportunity to educate outside of the house, all this is an excellent way to foster a child's dream to pursue knowledge.

7. Reading

In line with technological advances, many people ignore the importance of reading. Reading is a great way to increase one's intelligence quotient of the most direct and effective. Reading stories to children, became a member of the library and reading books all add to the collection is a good way to nurture a child's reading interests.

8. Breakfast

The old saying that birds get up early will get the food is not without basis. A long way since 1970, scientific research to find a child who breakfast in the morning have better memory, better able to concentrate and also able to learn faster. From the no breakfast, eat a piece of cake or drink a glass of milk, this will be very helpful in learning.

9. Play puzzle game

Playing chess, crossword puzzles or other games can stimulate intelligence. Sudoku Games instead to cultivate a wise way of thinking and fosters problem-solving skills.

Besides the things above, when a child is very young must often be invited to chat with friends, ask the children to remember vocabulary words frequently used in daily life or ask your child to memorize, all this is an excellent moment to help children cultivate intelligence quotient.

The experts stated, "Turn off the TV, ask the child out of the house, closer to nature and cultivating the body, is one of the best methods to train children to be clever and nimble-bodied."

Aspartame Causes Hardening of Brain, Spinal Marrow and Lupus


Subject: Aspartame causes of outbreaks of hardening of the brain or spinal cord and lupus

Be careful with food and beverage products containing aspartame because it can cause hardening of the brain or spinal cord and lupus.

There is currently plague Hardening Brain or Spinal Marrow and Lupus. Most people do not understand why these outbreaks occur and they do not know why these diseases are so rampant. I'll tell you why we are facing this serious problem. Today many people use artificial sweeteners.

They do this because the ads on television which reported that sugar is not good for their health. This is indeed very true. Sugar is poison for our bodies, however, what people use as a sugar substitute, more deadly. What I mean here is aspartame. This is the source outbreak mentioned above. Aspartame is a toxic chemical, which is produced by a chemical company called Monsanto. Aspartame has been marketed worldwide as a substitute for sugar and can be found on all types of soft drinks to diet, such as Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi.

It can also be found on the product of artificial sweeteners like NutraSweet, Equal, and Spoonful, and is widely used in sugar substitute products. Aspartame is marketed as a diet product, but this is absolutely not for a diet product. In fact, this can cause increased body weight because it can make you addicted to carbohydrates.

Make your body weight increased just a little thing that can be done by the Aspartame. Aspartame is a toxic chemical that can change the chemistry of the brain and is fatal to people with Parkinson's disease.

For diabetics, be careful if you consume for a long period of products containing Aspartame is, because it can cause coma and even death. If there are products that claim that the product is sugar free, you already know that it contains Aspartame. Do not consume these products.

One of the supplement drinks containing aspartame are effervescent powder EXTRA JOSS! Written on the packaging: Containing Aspartame 0.06% [ADI of 40 mg / kg].

Based on the results of a survey in one supermarket in Bandung, besides EXTRA JOSS, other beverage products that also contain aspartame which is M-150, Hemaviton, Neo Hormoviton, Marimas, Hooray ..., Frutillo, Segar Sari, POP ICE Ice Blender, Fresh ... Cold, Okky Jelly Drink, Sari Vit C, Naturade Gold, Aqua Splash of Fruit, Forty PLUS.

The emergence of two giant bubble in the Milky Way galaxy

BANDUNG - Two giant gas bubbles each measuring 25,000 light-years wide in found in the Milky Way galaxy.

Two bubbles of light is enough to make the astronomical confusion.

Bubble extends from north to south direction and centered from the straight line Milky Way.

Initially the bubble is not visible and then be found by an astronomer by the name of Doug Finkbeiner who comes from the Harvard-Smithsonian center in Cambridge, he found bubbles using NASA's Fermi telescope Gamma-Ray, he said that before he was less so to understand the origin of the bubble them.

Visibility of the bubble is not possible due to lost in the fog of Gamma radiation.

The astronomers assumed that a large bubble appeared caused because created by the eruption of a massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

Amazing, this is the light of sunspots gas

These stunning images of sun spots which emit luminous gas. Believe it or not, the phenomenon that occurs when the Sun is in calm conditions.

Amazing picture that shows a group of sun spots that move across the surface of the Sun. Visible area near the horizon shining AR 9169, a group of sun spots that form in the last solar cycle.



10. The Leshy

The Leshy is a forest spirit man Slavic mythology creatures that are believed to protect wild animals and forest.
They usually appear as a tall man, but has the ability to change the size in all shapes, animals or plants. Leshies has a beard made of grass and vines are alive, and often depicted with a tail, nails, and horns. The Leshy have pale white skin and dark green eyes. They are the king of the jungle and have a close bond with gray wolves, bears, and all living creatures.
When leshy IN human form, leshy form an ordinary farmer, Leshy to shrink away or tall grass grows to the size of the tallest tree. It is generally understood that leshies will make the farmers lost, making PEOPLE sick, and even tickled them to death. Leshies also can imitate human speech and often lure wanderers they disappeared into the cave. They are not always evil, but enjoy misleading people and kidnapping a young woman.


Selkies are creatures found in Faroese, Icelandic, Irish, and Scottish mythology. They have the ability to transform themselves from seals into human form. Selkies are able to change shape by shedding their seal skin, a risky business because they have to reapply the SAME skin to return to its original shape.
According to a story about this creature is a creature of romance. They are allowed to make contact with humans only for a short time before they must return to the sea. In most human cases have been aware of falling in love with selkies. Selkies very handsome man in human form, and have power over women.
If a man found and stole the skin of female selkie then he will be under his control and often are forced to become his wife. This creature has been known to lure people into the sea, by creating an illusion and a false sense of reality.


Berserkers are a group of Norwegian soldiers. They are human beings, BUT in their battle easily upset, and could hardly be controlled, and turned into wolves, bears and wild bulls. This allows people to fight MORE effective. their names will cause the English word 'crazy'.
Berserkers said wearing fur bears and wolves when they entered the battle and could make a full transformation as they feel necessary. They are characterized by having red eyes, tremendous strength, and endurance is strong. Scandinavian kings used berserkers as part of their soldiers or hired as a royal bodyguard. Similar behavior described in the Iliad, where warriors are owned by God and given to demonstrate the ability of super strength.


In Japanese folklore Kitsune are intelligent beings and memilliki magical powers. The creature's strength increases with age, wisdom and life experiences. Kitsune is the Japanese fox.
They have the ability to change into human form and a big liar. These creatures have a record to have as many as nine tails. kitsune may take human form when it reaches a certain age, usually 100 years. They prefer to assume the form of beautiful women, young girls, or parents. The creature has the ability to clone an individual appearance.
Kitsune have fear and hatred of dogs. They are willing to manifest itself in people's dreams and create the illusion that is so complicated that they are perceived as reality. kitsune can fly, become invisible, and often cause a fire or lightning. In some areas of the world being able to bend time, space, and makes people angry.


Puca is a legendary creature of Celtic folklore, especially in Ireland, western Scotland, and Wales. Puca is a mythological fairy. These creatures are capable of assuming various forms of scary, including horses, rabbits, goats, goblin, or dog.
No matter what the form taken by Puca, fur that is always dark. They are most often seen as a dark horse with flowing mane and glowing orange eyes. Púcas have the power to use the human voice and although they are known to give good advice, they also love to make people confused and scared.
Púcas more like a puzzle and friendly creatures. They like to hang out and play jokes on people. In many areas of the world Puca is seen as a creature of the mountains and hills. They are very respected and if treated well will help mankind.


Wendigo is a creature that appears in the mythology of the Algonquian. Description of the Wendigo varies among cultures, but they are generally described as a large animal like an alien dog. They are evil creatures and eat human flesh. Wendigos strongly associated with winter, north, and cold. Humans will turn into Wendigos if they do cannibalism. People will be have demon spirit animal, usually in a dream. After the change, individuals will become obsessed with eating human flesh. This monster is the embodiment of greed, greed, and excess.
They are never satisfied with the killing and eating one person. Wendigos constantly looking for new victims. They have been classified as a giant and the transformation of humans will grow bigger in size. They fill very rural and forest, mountain areas. Recently the Wendigo has become an entity of horror, like vampires, werewolf, or zombie.


encantado is a legendary creature Brazil. They live in the underwater world called Encante. Encantados most often viewed as a type of freshwater dolphin or a sea snake that has the ability to change shape into a human form. They are marked with a superior musical ability, seductiveness,. The transformation into the creature in human form appears to be rare, and usually occurs at night.
While in human form encantado be wearing hats to hide the protruding forehead. That is not lost while changing the shape and often show magical abilities, such as the power to control storms and haunted man.
They use various mind control techniques and can cause illness, insanity, and even death. Many villagers will not go near the Amazon River at night because of this. Many South Americans believe in a encantado and claims to have seen and interacted with this species.


aswang is a mythical creature in Philippine folklore. Legend aswang already known throughout the Philippines, except in areas IIocos. The creature was described as a combination of vampires and witches and almost always women.
Aswang is the eater of the dead and a cannibal. They were able to turn into either a large black dog or a black boar. Stalks and eating human beings at night. garlic bulbs, holy water, and other objects that are believed to repel aswang.
Many stories about the creatures eat the children and the unborn fetus. In human form, they appear normal, and the quiet, shy, and elusive. At night, they turn into deadly animal. One of the main features of the aswang is the red-eye. In the Middle Ages, aswang it is the most feared among the mythical creature in the Philippines.


Vampires is a legendary creature said to feed on human and animal blood. It's hard to make a description, a single definitive of the folkloric vampire, though they are usually reported as beings who look, red, purple, or dark color. They can change shape and can take many forms, particularly bats or humans. Vampires are usually portrayed as the living dead, although some cultures believe that they can live. Beginning in the 19th century, modern fiction began to depict the vampire as thin and pale.
In superstition, vampires in Europe's past led to mass hysteria, which resulted in the bodies who risked and people accused of vampires. They are known for terrorizing their neighborhood before and will seduce their victims, waiting for the right to attack the neck.
The creature will often visit their relatives, especially their partner. Vampires are the experts disguise and camouflage. The last case recorded of vampirism is that of Mercy Brown nineteen years, who died in Exeter, Rhode Island in 1892.


Lycanthropes or werewolves human mythology who have the ability to change shape into a wolf or wolf-like anthropomorphic creatures. They can infect human populations with the bite and the transformation of the creature often associated with the full moon.
mythology of Lycanthropes originated in Europe, but many found throughout the ancient world. Features werewolf including meeting the eyebrows on the bridge of the nose, curved fingernails, low set ears, and swing easy.
They have super-human strength and flavor, far beyond those either wolves or men. Lycantrope known people like to eat the homeless and easy.
A person can be identified as a werewolf by cutting their flesh to reveal the hair or to express a special feather under their tongue. In a return to form human beings became weak. Until the 20th century wolf attacks on humans are widely reported cause mass death in Europe.

Jumat, 15 April 2011

Interesting information about the unique ways to brain sports

1. Familiarize also active as a left-handed and right-hand

Perform tasks with non-dominant hand, if the normally dominant right hand then use the left hand (lefty) and vice versa.
For example when using a computer mouse, brushing teeth and tying shoes in the opposite direction.
According to the Franklin Institute, the type of exercise is to strengthen existing neural connections and even form new nerve.
Read phonetically


Reading can flex its muscles in the brain, good light reading (such as comics or magazines) as well as reading for information.
And according to Dr. studies. Nikolaos Scarmeas in 2001, reading can help build "cognitive reserve" to delay the onset of dementia.

3. Play puzzle or crossword puzzle

Crossword, puzzles, Sudoku puzzles and other species, can train the brain, especially the left hemisphere, according to cognitive training center Learning Rx.
Add new strategies to effectively exercise the brain, such as solving crossword puzzles with an unusual theme.

4. Playing the game strategy

Strategy games like chess, monopoly or other computer games, will use the right brain that can help people to think more creatively.

5. Change routine

According to Lawrence Katz, professor of Neurobiology at Duke University Medical Center, changed routines and new ways of living can activate the brain connections that were previously inactive.
Exercises that can be done for example, bathing with eyes closed or reset your office or desk.

6. Learning foreign languages

Dengan belajar bahasa asing akan mengaktifkan bagian otak yang belum digunakan sejak Anda mulai berbicara.
Sebuah studi tahun 2007 di York University di Toronto, menemukan bahwa penggunaan beberapa bahasa dapat meningkatkan suplai darah ke otak untuk menjaga kesehatan koneksi saraf.

7. Enjoy music

Besides listening to music, learn also to play a musical instrument.
The experts also recommended to enable the two senses at once, such as listening to music and smell the flowers.

8. Physical Exercise

Physical exercise also can improve brain health, because it can increase blood flow to the brain.
According to the Stanford Center on Longevity and The Max Planck Institute for Human Development, physical training can improve attention, reasoning and memory.

9. Social Life

The brain can be trained with your social life, for example by visiting a friend.
A 2006 study by Dr. David Bennett of Rush University Medical Center found that having a social network can provide protection against clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

10. Looking for a new hobby

Challenge your brain to learn new skills or things you've never done before.
If you are not an artist, try to learn to paint or sculpt.
If you can play piano, learn to play guitar.
Find something new and interesting to be able to keep the brain remains active.
Read phonetically

=Hopefully Helpful=